10 Website Design Tips to Increase Conversions

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10 Website Design Tips to Increase Conversions

10 Website Design Tips to Increase Conversions

Website design plays a key role in improving conversion rates. 

10 Website Design Tips to Increase Conversions

Even simple tweaks to your website's look and feel can have a significant impact on how visitors interact with and move through your site ultimately driving more goal completions like purchases, newsletter signups, contact form submissions etc.



In this post, I'll share 10 powerful yet easy website design tips you can implement to boost conversions.





1. Improve Page Load Speeds

+ According to Google research, 53% of mobile site visitors will leave a page that takes longer than 3 seconds to load. 

+ Improving your website's load times by just 1 second can increase conversions by 7% (Cloudflare).

To optimize page speeds:

+ Compress images

+ Minimize HTTP requests 

+ Enable browser caching

+ Optimize code

Fast page loads enhance user experience leading to more conversions.

2. Prominently Display Value Proposition

+ Clearly conveying your brand's core value proposition (CVP) is crucial for convincing visitors why they should buy from you. 

To feature your CVP:

+ Display it prominently on the homepage hero banner 

+ Reiterate it consistently across site pages

+ Keep messaging crisp and benefit-driven

This drives relevance and positions your brand as the ideal solution for meeting visitors' needs.

3. Improve Website Navigation 

+ According to Baymard Institute, improving site navigation typically lifts conversions by 270%.

To upgrade navigation:  

+ Keep menus simple with 5-9 items

+ Use clean, descriptive menu labels   

+ Make CTAs visible on all pages

+ Link important pages in the site footer

This facilitates easy movement across pages guiding visitors to conversion goals.

4. Include Quality Images & Visuals

+ Content with relevant images gets 94% more views than content without visuals (Orbit Media).

To incorporate visuals:

+ Use high-quality product photos

+ Include engaging infographics  

+ Embed explanatory videos where suitable

+ Ensure fast image load times

Visual content builds engagement and credibility improving conversion potential.

5. Spotlight Social Proof

+ 92% of people read online reviews before interacting with a business (BrightLocal).  

To highlight social proof:

+ Display customer testimonials and reviews

+ Show trust badges and certifications  

+ Feature case studies and customer stories

+ Provide media mentions and influencer endorsements

Social proof builds visitor confidence and trust in your offerings thereby driving more conversions.

6. Make Forms Short with Clear CTAs

+ Long forms lead to high abandonment with each additional form field decreasing conversions by 4% (MECLABS).

To optimize forms:  

+ Only ask for essential user details   

+ Use clear, benefit-driven CTAs

+ Pre-populate data where possible

+ Implement single column layouts

Minimizing data requests and friction during form fills lifts conversions significantly. 

7. Personalize Where Possible

+ Personalized user experiences can deliver 5-15% sales uplifts (Evergage).

To personalize visitor interactions:

+ Display segmentspecific on-site content

+ Trigger behavior-based popups  

+ Send targeted on-site notifications 

+ Offer user-specific product recommendations

Delivering contextual, individualized experiences improves engagement and on-site shopping behavior.

8. Include Prominent Calls-to-Action

+ Web pages with CTAs have a clickthrough rate of 4.95% compared to just 1.41% for pages without CTAs (Unbounce). 

To feature effective CTAs:   

+ Place visible CTA buttons above the page fold

+ Use bright colors that contrast with background

+ Write benefit-focused, action-oriented copy  

+ Limit pages to one primary CTA   

Prominent CTAs guide visitors to complete desired actions ultimately driving more conversions.








9. Optimize Site Copy

+ Relevant, scannable copy outperforms with a CTR of 94% compared to just 17% for generic text (Marketing Experiments).

To upgrade copy:


+ Target persona pain points and needs

+ Chunk content into short paragraphs & bullet points 

+ Use conversational language and brand tone

+ Ensure strong readability via Flesch score  

Optimized copy keeps visitors engaged and informs their purchase decisions boosting conversions.   

## 10. Enable Easy Mobile Access

+ More than 60% of online traffic now happens via mobile devices (Statista). 

To maximize mobile experience:


+ Implement responsive web design 

+ Ensure fast mobile load speeds

+ Design thumb-friendly navigation and CTAs

+ Optimize checkout and forms for touch

+ Avoid interstitials and popups  

Catering to rising mobile usage improves on-site engagement lifting conversions.

# Frequently Asked Questions

**What are some quick wins for lifting website conversions?**

Some quick wins include:

+ Reducing page load speeds 

+ Pruning inefficient site pages

+ Simplifying navigation menus

+ Shortening forms 

+ Increasing button sizes 

+ Adding more product images

**What kind of conversion metrics should I track?**

Key conversion metrics to track are:

+ Bounce rates

+ Page views per session  

+ Session duration

+ Form submission rates

+ Clickthrough rates 

+ Transactions and sales

+ Cost per acquisition

**How can I attribute conversions to specific web pages?**

















To attribute conversions to landing pages and channels, you can:

+ Implement UTM tracking codes

+ Integrate analytics software 

+ Tag links to funnel stages

+ Record conversion details 

This enables tracing the visitor journey to better optimize conversion funnels.

**What tools can I use to design high converting websites?**

Some helpful tools include:

+ Webflow for responsive site building

+ Hotjar to identify UX obstacles  

+ Optimizely for A/B testing

+ Google Optimize for conversion rate optimization

+ Crazy Egg to analyze visitor behavior

Following these 10 conversion-focused website design tips will help engage more visitors, reduce bounce rates, and ultimately drive higher conversions for your business. 

Optimizing the user experience across touchpoints is key for turning site visitors into customers.

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