How To Redesign Your Blogger Website's Font and Typography to Reduce Bounce Rate

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How To Redesign Your Blogger Website's Font and Typography to Reduce Bounce Rate

How To Redesign Your Blogger Website's Font and Typography to Reduce Bounce Rate

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to transform your Blogger website's typography to create a sleek, modern, and professional look that can help reduce bounce rates and improve user engagement. 

We'll implement specific font choices, sizes, and colors to optimize readability and aesthetic appeal across all devices.

Why Typography Matters for Your Blogger Site

Before we dive into the how-to, let's talk about why typography is so crucial for your website's success:

1. First Impressions Count

When a visitor lands on your page, the first thing they notice is how it looks. 

Clean, modern typography instantly gives your site a professional edge, making visitors more likely to stick around and explore your content.

2. Readability is Key

Good typography makes your content easier to read, which means visitors are more likely to stay on your site and engage with your content. 

This is especially important for blog posts or long-form articles where you want to keep readers engaged from start to finish.

3. Brand Consistency

A well-chosen typography style helps reinforce your brand identity across all your pages. Consistent fonts and styles create a cohesive look that visitors will come to associate with your brand.

4. Mobile Optimization

With more people browsing on mobile devices, having responsive typography ensures your site looks great on all screen sizes. This is crucial for maintaining a low bounce rate across different devices.

Step-by-Step Guide to Redesigning Your Blogger Typography

Now, let's go through the process of implementing these changes on your Blogger website.

Step 1: Copy The CSS Code Below

First, we need to create the CSS code that will redesign your Blogger website's typography. 

I've prepared a code snippet that incorporates all the specifications we want to implement. Here's what it looks like:

/* Typography Redesign for Blogger CSS */

body {

    color: #393841;

    font-family: 'Jost', sans-serif;

    font-weight: 500;

    font-size: 68px;

    line-height: 2;


.post-body {

    color: #393841;

    font-family: 'Jost', sans-serif;

    font-weight: 500;

    font-size: 68px;

    line-height: 2;


.post-body h1, .post-body h2, .post-body h3, .post-body h4, .post-title {

    color: #1B004F;

    font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;

    margin-top: 2em;


.post-title {

    font-size: 68px;

    font-weight: 900;

    line-height: 1.3;


.post-body h2 {

    font-size: 24px;

    font-weight: 800;

    line-height: 1.4;


.post-body h3 {

    font-size: 22px;

    font-weight: 800;

    line-height: 1.4;


.post-body h4 {

    font-size: 20px;

    font-weight: 700;

    line-height: 1.4;


a {

    color: #cc0000;

    transition: color 0.3s ease;


a:visited {

    color: #00008B;


html {

    scroll-behavior: smooth;


@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {

    body, .post-body {

        font-size: 68px;



/* New rules for spacing */

.post-body p {

    margin-bottom: 0.5em;


.post-body p + h1,

.post-body p + h2,

.post-body p + h3,

.post-body p + h4 {

    margin-top: 0.6em;


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This code sets up custom fonts, sizes, weights, and colors for your body text and headers. Let's break down the key elements:

- Body text: Jost font, 500 weight, 19px size for mobile and 18px for desktop
- Headers: Inherited font (defaulting to your template's header font)
- H1 (main title): 34px size, 900 weight
- H2 (major heading): 28px size, 800 weight
- H3 (subheading): 24px size, 800 weight
- H4 (minor heading): 22px size, 700 weight
- Line spacing: 2.0 for body text, varying for headers (1.3 to 1.6)
- Colors: #393841 for body text, #1B004F for headers
- Link colors: Medium red for unvisited, #00008B for visited

Step 2: Back Up Your Current Theme

Before making any changes, it's always a good idea to create a backup of your current theme. Here's how:

1. Go to your Blogger dashboard and click on the "Theme" option in the left sidebar.
2. Click the drop-down arrow on the "Customize" button.
3. Select "Backup" to save a copy of your current theme.

This way, if anything goes wrong, you can easily revert to your previous design.

Step 3: Edit Your Blogger HTML

Now, let's add our new typography styles to your Blogger template:

1. In the Blogger dashboard, go to "Theme" in the left sidebar.
2. Click the drop-down arrow on the "Customize" button and select "Edit HTML."
3. If you're on a desktop, press Ctrl+F (or Cmd+F on Mac) to open the search function.
4. Search for the `<b:skin>` or `<b:template-skin>` tag. This is usually found somewhere in the middle of the code.
5. Paste the CSS code we prepared in Step 1 right before this tag.
6. Click the "Save" button to apply your changes.

Step 4: Code For Adding Font Stylesheets

The final step is to add the stylesheets for our new fonts. This ensures that the Jost font we've specified in our CSS is actually loaded by the browser.

1. Scroll to the top of your Blogger theme HTML.
2. Look for the opening `<head>` tag.
3. Right after this tag, paste the following code:

<link href=';500;700&amp;display=swap' rel='stylesheet'/>

<link href=';800;900&amp;display=swap' rel='stylesheet'/>

<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

4. Click "Save" to apply these changes.

Verifying Your Changes

After implementing these changes, it's crucial to check how your site looks:

1. Visit your Blogger site in a new incognito or private browsing window to see the changes without cached data interfering.

2. Check your site on different devices (desktop, tablet, and mobile) to ensure responsiveness.

3. Read through a few posts to verify that the new typography enhances readability.

Fine-Tuning Your Typography

While the code we've provided is optimized based on best practices, you might want to make some adjustments to better suit your brand or personal preferences. Here are some areas you might consider tweaking:

Font Choices

We've used Jost for body text and inherited fonts for headers, but you might prefer different combinations. 

If you decide to change fonts, make sure to update both the CSS and the font stylesheet.

Font Sizes

The sizes we've chosen (19px for mobile, 18px for desktop body text) are optimized for readability. 

However, you might want to adjust these slightly based on your specific content and audience.

Color Scheme

We've set #393841 for body text and #1B004F for headers, which provides good contrast. 

However, you might want to adjust these to match your brand colors more closely.

Line Height and Spacing

We've set a line height of 2.0 for body text and varying heights for headers. These provide good readability, but you might want to fine-tune based on your specific layout and content style.

Monitoring the Impact on Bounce Rate

After implementing these typography changes, it's important to monitor how they affect your site's performance:

1. Use Google Analytics to track your bounce rate before and after the changes.

2. Pay attention to average time on page and pages per session, as these metrics can also indicate improved engagement.

3. Consider using heat mapping tools to see how users interact with your new design.


By redesigning your Blogger website's typography with these specific font choices, sizes, and colors, you've taken a significant step towards reducing bounce rates and improving user engagement. 

The Jost font at 500 weight and 19px size for body text, combined with our carefully chosen header styles, creates a professional and highly readable design.

Remember, typography is just one aspect of web design. Continue to experiment and refine your site's look and feel based on user feedback and analytics data. 

With these optimized typography settings and ongoing attention to detail, you can create a Blogger site that not only looks great but also keeps visitors engaged and coming back for more.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Will changing my typography affect my site's loading speed?

While typography changes generally have minimal impact on loading speed, using web fonts can slightly increase load times. However, the Jost font we've recommended is optimized for web use, and the performance impact is usually negligible. To minimize any potential slowdown:

+ Use only the font weights you need (in our case, 500 for body text and 700-900 for headers)
+ Leverage browser caching for font files
+ Consider using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for serving font files

2. How can I preview these typography changes before making them live?

Unfortunately, Blogger doesn't offer a built-in preview feature for HTML/CSS changes. However, you can:

+ Create a test blog to experiment with changes
+ Use browser developer tools to temporarily apply CSS changes to your live site
+ Apply changes to a single post first by wrapping the CSS in a specific post class

Remember to always backup your template before making significant changes.

3. What if the Jost font doesn't display correctly for some users?

We've included fallback fonts in our CSS to handle cases where Jost might not load. The line `font-family: 'Jost', sans-serif;` means that if Jost isn't available, the browser will use the system's default sans-serif font. To further customize this:

+ Add more fallback fonts, e.g., `font-family: 'Jost', 'Arial', 'Helvetica', sans-serif;`
+ Use web-safe fonts as fallbacks to ensure consistency across different systems

4. Can I use different fonts for different parts of my blog, like sidebar and footer?

Absolutely! While we've focused on body text and headers in this tutorial, you can certainly customize other elements. To do this:

+ Identify the CSS selectors for the elements you want to change (e.g., `.sidebar`, `footer`)
+ Add new CSS rules for these selectors in your custom CSS
+ Remember to include any new fonts in your font stylesheet

Just be careful not to use too many different fonts, as this can make your design look cluttered.

5. How often should I update my blog's typography?

There's no fixed rule for how often to update your typography, but consider reviewing it:

+ Annually, as part of a regular site audit
+ When you notice a drop in engagement metrics
+ If your brand undergoes a significant change
+ When new web typography trends emerge that align with your brand

Remember, drastic changes can disorient regular readers, so make updates thoughtfully and consider announcing major changes to your audience.

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